Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Soil Collection

The soil for our experiment was taken from Old Mill Grove Park, a sports complex converted to wetland/prairie ~15 years ago. The soil therefore is very silty with much organic matter present. It was found here:
Closer up, it looks like this:
There are many roots present as well as leaves and other plant matter such as grass and twigs on the surface. Most of th particles are fairly small -silt-sized- with some larger rocks and others thrown in. Very little clay or sand was present, so it is hardly a loam. Next to this spot is a gravel pathway going through the park, so it is possible that pueces of gravel and rock could have been mixed in. Seen here:
There were also mant earth-dwelling bugs, worms, and other larger life visible. There is some clumping of silt but the particles are sill relatively small.

- Andrew

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